CarloforteS.Antioco and S.Pietro are two islands with wild territory.S.Pietro has a volcanic origin ,has big reef of rocks and small beaches.Nuragic ruins testify the presence of ancient settlements in the island of S.Pietro, landing place for Greek, Punis and Roman sailors. During the Sea Republics a colony of fishermen from Liguria, who lived in Tabarka, Tunis island, went to live in the island of S. Pietro after the invitation of the king Carlo Emanuele II of Savoia, because of the Barbarians and their several invasions. In those days it was settled Carloforte, the first town of the island.The coasts of S.Pietro are really nice.In the south of the port there're the beaches of Spalmadoreddu, Giunco, Seccano and Cala di Punta Nera. Then there's the beach of Lucchese, where there're the columns of Carloforte, considered national monument.Over the point there's the gulf of Mezzaluna, full of caves which is possible to visit. In the north there're the beaches of la Caletta, Capo Sandalo and the Isolotto del Corno.